Sunday 14 April 2013

The best era

Hey, so a bit more of a personal post this one, I've noticed in my time on this planet(which isn't to long) a solid 29years. Things change all the time, but do you ever think that maybe during a decade we get a few things right, and then try something else because other parts didn't work. I truly believe in the seventies/early eighties, for music, style and film it was amazing. Don't let a budget on a film determine how good it is, or what brand new whomp whomp technology makes a good song. I loved that time because things seemed simpler, before the net, before social networking, before cgi, 100" 3d HD blu ray super tv's. obviously the decade has its down points politically, but for the people, like the people of today who love movies music and fun, I really believe it was a better time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not of that era (although I wish I was) so I don't fully understand your nostalgia, but I am an 80's enthusiast purely because everything was better, certainly, than what is deemed good right now :)
