Monday 22 April 2013


Haven't shown any tattoos in awhile. So here you go! For all bookings please email thank you!

Some sketches!

Well it's been awhile! And it seems I'm failing as a blogger, it's one of these weird things, like you want to talk about stuff and what to show stuff, but somewhere ( in the back of my mind anyway) I feel like its kinda showing off, and that makes me get deterred from posting. But I guess if you're here you're probably interested. So without further a due. Here are some drawings!!!

Sunday 14 April 2013

The best era

Hey, so a bit more of a personal post this one, I've noticed in my time on this planet(which isn't to long) a solid 29years. Things change all the time, but do you ever think that maybe during a decade we get a few things right, and then try something else because other parts didn't work. I truly believe in the seventies/early eighties, for music, style and film it was amazing. Don't let a budget on a film determine how good it is, or what brand new whomp whomp technology makes a good song. I loved that time because things seemed simpler, before the net, before social networking, before cgi, 100" 3d HD blu ray super tv's. obviously the decade has its down points politically, but for the people, like the people of today who love movies music and fun, I really believe it was a better time.

Friday 28 December 2012

hello again.

Its the end of the year, and i realise i haven't posted anything for a few months. Mainly because my laptop with all my passwords was in the apple store getting fixed, and now i have it back. So in the new year, (and i mean in a few days) ill be updating my page with lots of fun facts and art work for your enjoyment. You will find most of the stuff i put up on my Instagram and Facebook. So sorry for the wait everyone. I have lots to discuss, and as a added bonus i might put up some music for you too. Hope you all had a sterling christmas. Congratulations on being 21/12/12 survivors. And have a happy new year.

Drew. G/H

Monday 27 August 2012


So I've been trying to learn to paint again, I'm nowhere near my goal as yet but I'm just painting stuff now just to learn how to get there, kinda like studying a map before making your actual trip, a few people ask me, why do you always draw crying girls and death and stuff, well, I don't know we all take a muse from somewhere, I found that when I was going through a tough time a while ago, I felt more inspired, I do like a lot of nice things, sleep, pugs, shar pei's, roast chicken and stuffing sandwiches, etc...etc. but for me I like the visual of darkness, the mood, the emotion, and that's where I find my own muse, I guess I'm just a goth at heart.


Tuesday 21 August 2012

Norwich tattoo convention

Just got home from a very hot and also a very cool weekend at the Norwich body art festival had some astounding male bonding experiences some great times good laughs and gained some new awesome friends thank you to everyone who made the weekend so fun! Big shout out to Justin burnout my fellow G/H booth dweller for coming away with best large black and grey, well done brother! Much deserved, and lee tilbrook from lost time for being so hilarious, found out mate that iPads were invented during the battle of Hastings... Hahaha. Well done to all the G/H crew for coming out mike, Tom, ash! Awesome guys! And a special slingers thank you to newp $ jbax for being just to god damn fucking funny! My god those guys fucking make me laugh! Excellent tattooers too... Sorry, slingers, my bad. I love you guys! All in all had a great weekend the hotel felt like a microwave but whatever right? thank you gemma from indigo for putting on the show, good times Norwich, see you next year ! Peace x